October at Granville & 7th

Hello fellow gardeners, 

Fall has officially arrived at the Granville & 7th garden and with the equinox came an atmospheric river that drenched the city for a few days –– Who would have thought so much water could fall all at once!  October is the month where the leaves really ramp up their falling and the sun and daily temperatures begin to dip much lower. And with this, the summer growing season has officially come to a close.

Here is a quick run down of the garden update:

  • Cleaning your beds

  • Water shut off

  • Help us grow

  • COVID19

  • Next year


Now that the nights are cooling off and most summer plants are winding down, it’s a great time to start clearing out any dying or wilting plants and putting them in the green waste bin.  Make sure when you pull up any plants you shake the roots thoroughly into the beds as it’s best practice to keep as much soil as you can in the bed.

If you are wanting to keep your bed healthy over the winter, try utilizing the fallen leaves in the garden as a mulch.  It will provide that extra cover and organic matter for the organisms in your bed to keep it happy over the winter months.


We will be shutting off the water in the garden sometime in late October just before the frosts begin.  This is so the water lines won’t freeze.


Help us grow and create new garden spaces by reviewing us online! A quick Google rating will let us know how we're doing and will increase our online presence. Link here to review us on Google, it's only a few clicks!


COVID19 is still circulating so please make yourself familiar with our gardener rules guideline and best practices, if you haven’t already, as they are currently implemented within the garden. Read here: Community Garden Guidelines.


As we all know, the Granville & 7th Garden is a temporary one and we hope that it is going to continue into 2021.  Due to its temporary nature, at this time, we don't yet know for sure and if the garden goes ahead you will of course keep your beds from this year. Look for an update in the coming months.

Happy Growing,