Heat Daze at Granville & 7th

Hello fellow gardeners,

We hope you’re staying cool during this unprecedented heat wave! August is shaping up to be a hot one and with the dog days of summer upon us there are some important and crucial things that need to be done to keep your plants happy and healthy over this prolonged hot period.


It’s crucial that you visit the garden every 2-3 days so you can soak your bed thoroughly. The best time to do this is in the morning hours, which provides hydration for your plants during the hottest times of the day, reducing the prospects of powdery mildew and other funguses from spreading and taking hold of your plants. The second best is a deep watering in the evening hours. Watering constantly throughout this heat will increase your yields and keep your plants happy.


If you're going to be out of town for more than a couple days, here are the three best ways to keep your plants happy and well-watered:

1. Ask a friend or family member.
2. Post a request (with your bed numbers) on the notice board.
3. Use ‘Please Water Me’ sign or make your own with a piece of cardboard.


We’ve been hearing reports of rats nibbling on roots and other fruiting plants over the last month. To address this issue, we’ve implemented a pest control program in the garden. You may notice little black boxes around the garden––please leave these in place. And if you happen to see any rats (live or otherwise), please send us an email to garden@communitygardenbuilders.com.


It might seem strange, but now is the right time to start planning and planting your fall and winter crops so you can make the most of the growing season.

West Coast seeds have a great resource which explains and provides helpful tips for what to plant for the fall and winter season. You can find the document HERE.

Stay cool out there!