COVID-19 Gardening Best Practises

New guidelines for gardening during COVID-19

We have updated our gardening guidelines to respond to COVID-19, and we ask that everyone read through and follow this new protocol. Our goal is to continue to facilitate gardening in the safest manner possible––we need your help doing this.


Keeping each other safe in the garden

Every person entering the garden is responsible for preventing the spread of infection. Here’s how you can safely tend the community garden: 

·       Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds

·       Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth, especially with unwashed hands

·       Practice physical distancing of two meters (6-8 feet), even if you are not showing signs of symptoms

·       Avoid close contact with people who are sick

·       Stay at home if you are sick

·       Cough and sneeze into your sleeve and not your hands

·       If you are showing symptoms or have been out of the country, please do not enter the community garden – follow current public health advice about when it’s safe to do so, and ask a fellow gardener for help with watering



We will be removing all hand tools from the garden shed to reduce the risk of surface transmission. We understand that this measure will cause some inconvenience and so we ask for your understanding, patience and creativity. For the time-being:

·       Gardeners should bring and use their own tools

·       Gardeners should take their tools home when they are done for the day

Most gardening can be done with a small, inexpensive hand trowel available at your local garden, hardware or dollar store. In the spirit of physical distancing, we recommend ordering your garden tools online, or getting creative with the implements you may already have in your home. A soupspoon does just fine as a miniature shovel, for instance, and plastic grocery bags can be used as compost carriers.

Watering System

The watering system is an essential lifeline for the garden. As a communal tool, we all need to exercise extreme care and caution when making use of the hoses.

·       Bring sanitizing wipes and wipe down the On/Off switch and nozzle before and after use

·       Wear gloves when using the watering system

·       If possible, use a hand tool to turn the On/Off switch

·       Consider reducing your use of the hoses –– let the rain do the work for you 


The pedestrian gate will be permanently open. Please keep it this way. We want to eliminate any unnecessary handling/touching to avoid the risk of surface transmission.


We are sad to announce that the spring Meet and Greet event is cancelled. In this vein, please avoid gathering in the garden in large groups, and make sure to keep at least two meters distance between you and fellow gardeners when you interact in the space. 

These guidelines will change as public health advice changes, and we will keep you informed with the most current garden-related information to protect you, your family and fellow community gardeners.

COVID-19 Poster for Entrance of Community Gardens.jpg