February @ The West 10th Garden!

Hello West 10th Gardeners,

It may not feel like it, but Spring will be here sooner than later. This means it is time to put on our gardening caps and turn our thoughts to the upcoming growing season!


Look out for an email in the coming weeks with information and directions on how to register and pay for your garden beds for the 2025 growing season. Stand by!


It may be above zero most days, but we’re still a few months away from putting seeds in the ground. In the meantime, you can start thinking about what you’d like to plant once the weather warms a bit and refer to this handy planting guide.


A reminder that the water and hoses are turned off for the winter. We will be activating the watering system again once we’re past the last frost date, which is typically in early April. 

Keep an eye out for that registration email!

Enjoy the rest of Winter!

December @ The West 10th Garden!

Hello West 10th Gardeners,

We at Vancouver Community Garden Builders wanted to take this opportunity - to thank you all for being a part of the garden during 2024.

With your devotion and enthusiasm, we have been able to keep an otherwise vacant lot as a beautiful urban food forest!

Here are a few updates:

NEXT YEAR - 2025

As everyone knows, this community garden is a temporary one. We hope to continue the garden into 2025 and are well positioned to do so. As always, we will let you know with as much notice as possible, if the property is ready to be developed.

Keep an eye on your email during February/March - as we will be reaching out regarding registration and payment for the new season.


Despite the days being short and the weather being cold and wet, the garden will remain open all through the winter. Feel free to frequent the space any time you like.


Thank you to all who have made it to the garden to clear out and tidy your beds. If you haven’t yet, please set aside some time to get to the garden and remove any dead plants from your beds and place them in the green waste bin.


Help us grow and create new garden spaces by reviewing us online! A quick Google rating will let us know how we're doing and will increase our online presence.

Happy Holidays!

November @ The West 10th Garden!

Hello West 10th Gardeners,

We are officially approaching colder weather, so please make sure to take the time to get your garden bed(s) ready for winter.

Here are two very quick updates:

The water will be shut off and the hoses pulled up for winter, within the next couple of weeks. We will get everything set up again in early Spring - once we’re passed the final frost date.

November 15 is the deadline that we would ideally have you put your beds to rest for the winter by. This involves visiting the garden to pull up any dead plant matter and in general tidying up your bed(s) for the dormant months ahead.

If you have not been to the garden for some time, please make it a priority to come out for one last visit before winter arrives, to clean out your beds. Beyond general aesthetics, tidying your beds helps reduce the amount of rotting biomass in the garden, which helps mitigate rodent issues.

Thanks for your help with this as we know it can feel like a chore!

Note: You are welcome to plant winter crops and continue visiting the garden, but remember the water will be shut off soon.

That’s all for now. 

Stay warm and stay dry out there!

October @ The West 10th Garden!

Hello West 10th Gardeners, 

A rainy Fall has officially arrived in our city and in the garden!

Harvest is waning and we’re just about ready to put the garden to rest for the winter season.

Here are your garden updates:


We will be shutting off the water in the garden sometime in late October just before the frosts begin. We do this so the water lines won’t freeze.


Cleaning up your beds cuts down on rotting vegetation and gives the garden a tidy look through the winter months.

"Can we still garden during the Winter?"
'Yes, feel free to garden during the winter months, but remember, the water will be turned off.'


Greens waste goes in the greens waste bins  - make sure to shake off soil first!

Feel free to add fallen leaves to your beds as cover.


As we all know, our garden is a temporary one.

We hope to keep the garden going into the 2025 season and beyond!

Keep an eye on your emails in Feb/March, as we will be reaching out regarding registration.

Happy Harvest Season!

September @ The West 10th Garden!

Hello West 10th Gardeners,

Although some heat is sticking around, it has started to wane - sweater season is approaching. 

Here are some updates for the garden transition to autumn:


Planting and growing your own food is satisfying, however, harvesting your vegetables is one of the greatest pleasures. It may seem obvious and silly to remind gardeners to pick and eat their food, but here it is: get picking! There's nothing worse than watching vegetables and greens over ripen, wilt or rot because they've gone unpicked for weeks. 

Along with this, picking your veg when it’s ready and ripe for the eating will reduce the amount of theft and opportunity for it, as well as unwanted attention from pests and rodents.  


There’s still time to start planting your fall and winter crops. West Coast seeds have a great resource which explains and provides helpful tips for what to plant for the fall and winter season. You can find the document HERE.

We’ll have an update on putting beds to rest and closing down the watering system come October!

Enjoy your hand-grown harvest,

August @ The West 10th Garden!

Hello Gardeners,

Finally we got some proper summer weather this last month, and it is looking like it will continue with August :)

Here are a few updates:


If you're going to be out of town for more than a couple days, here are the three best ways to keep your plants happy and well-watered:

1. Ask a friend or family member to help water for you while you are away

2. Post a request along with your bed numbers on the notice board

3. Make a sign out of a piece of cardboard that says ‘Please Water Me’ and leave it on your bed    for other gardeners to see


It might seem strange, but now is the right time to start planning and planting your fall and winter crops so you can make the most of the growing season.

West Coast seeds have a great resource which explains and provides helpful tips for what to plant for the fall and winter season. You can find the document HERE.

Stay cool out there!

July @ The West 10th Garden!

Hello Gardeners,

Summer is starting off slow this year, and we have been blessed with some ongoing rain for our city gardens. This doesn’t mean that some higher temperatures won’t come along with the month of July! When this happens, our crops will be under stress, but with adequate watering, we should also see great growth.

Here are a few updates for July:


When the days become consistently hotter, it is a good idea to plan on visiting the garden every day or two, to soak your soil. This is crucial for your plants to continue to thrive. Early morning watering is the best time and the second best option is during the cooler evening hours. Watering during the hottest midday hours can scald your leaves and fail to penetrate those deeper layers in the soil where you want your roots to dig.

Not able to visit the garden to water? Consider asking a friend or garden neighbor so that other gardeners can help you out :)


Our watering system tends to get a lot more use this time of year, which can often lead to wear and tear. 

Please continue to keep an eye out for leaky hoses and broken nozzles, and let us know if something has come up.

If one of the nozzles is acting up, there is often a spare in the garden ‘shed’!

Enjoy your summer - so far,

June @ The West 10th Garden!

Hello West 10th Gardeners,

We have finally reached some longer days and hopefully with this new month, we will be getting some more sunshine for our plants.

Here are a few important updates for June:


We are passing the deadline for planting / making use of your garden beds. 

We will be making note of all empty and unused beds and beginning the process of removing gardeners who are not actively participating in the garden.

Demand for growing space is so high right now, and we want to put each and every bed to use. 

If you haven’t started gardening yet, consider this your final notice. And if you’re not able to make use of your bed(s), please let us know ASAP so we can bring in a new gardener from our immense wait list. 


Temperatures will slowly be climbing, and as we get deeper into summer, watering becomes a bigger priority. Regular, thorough watering is your best defense against upcoming heat. 

We have had the landowners do an update on the watering system, and the water pressure has been improved, which is great.

If you can’t make it to the garden every 2-3 days, consider asking a neighbour to help out!

Please note: Not everyone in the garden is completely able bodied or super strong, please remember to put the hoses away neatly, so people do not have to pull the hose nozzles out of a mess of hose :)


Plant theft is something that happens every season and throughout all community gardens across the city. This is an unfortunate thing about community gardens and it tends to happen more so at the time of year when plants are beginning to mature and become ready for harvest.  

A few tips and advice for reducing theft:

  1. Plant less desirable "shiny" crops:  e.g. Leafy greens and root vegetables are the most recommended for a strong harvest. Things like strawberries, tomatoes, peppers or fruiting veggies tend to be first targets.

  2. Harvest fast: Once your veggies are ready to be eaten, pick them!! The longer you wait the more likely someone will nab your yield

  3. Grow more than you need: Consider growing more than you'll expect to eat, so if/when a thief swoops in you will still have a yield to harvest

  4. Talk with other gardeners: Get to know your neighbors. If we all keep an eye on each other's beds and know who's meant to be gardening where, the more likely we'll be able to call out a thief in the act or at least give them the eyes of disapproval.

Enjoy your harvests!

May @ The West 10th Garden!

Hello Fellow Gardeners,

We’d like to take this opportunity to welcome all of you - as this is our first growing season at West 10th!

Please make an effort to welcome new folks if you see them in the garden, and be sure to extend a helping hand with growing advice or garden know-how if you feel so inclined.

May is a great month to get most seeds and starts in the ground, so it can be a busy time. 

Here are a few quick updates:


The new watering system will see increasing use as things eventually start to heat up. Be patient with the speed of the water :) 

Please help us keep the systems intact by handling the hoses with care and turning the water OFF before you leave the garden.

Let us know by email if there are any issues.


Please help us out by doing a thorough job shaking dirt off of roots before transferring old growth to the Green Waste Bins. 

Soil in the green waste bins = a huge headache for us! 

Thanks for your help with this.

Our big garden will be quite an oasis - let’s get the good vibes going :)

Happy Almost Sunshine!

April at West 10th Garden

Hello fellow gardeners,

It’s undeniable, gardening season has officially arrived at the community garden! With cherry blossoms opening up across the city and bees buzzing around the garden, we couldn't be more excited to get this growing season started.

Here are a few garden updates:


As a reminder, the combination for the shed lock is 000. Please keep this area tidy and let us know if any tools get damaged or go missing.


Please remember to turn the water OFF before you leave the garden. This helps with the longevity of the equipment.

Also, keep your eyes open for any leaks or if the nozzle is broken, and let us know ASAP in an email or text. There is also a spare nozzle in the garden shed for a quick fix.


We'll be supplying organic compost to boost your garden beds with nutrients for the growing season. You’re invited to add a bucket or two to each of your beds. Please don’t take too much––we’d like everyone to get the opportunity to freshen their bed.


Check out this regional grow guide for South Coastal BC for info on when to seed what veggie crop.

Happy Growing and stay safe out there!!

March at West 10th Garden

Hello fellow gardeners,

We seem to be stuck in that indecisive early spring weather, where bluebird days tango with flurries, and daffodils fend off the frost. In general, it’s still a bit early to start gardening, but we’re certainly getting close.

Here are some important updates for March:


If you haven’t already done so, please take a moment to register and pay for your garden beds for the upcoming growing season.

The deadline for registration is March 15th.


If you are no longer interested in being part of the garden, please send us an email ASAP so that we can allocate your bed(s) to someone on our very long waitlist. Please include the Garden Name and your Bed Number(s) in the email. We’re sorry to see you go!


We will be delivering a load of fresh, organic compost toward the end of the month. Plan on adding a bucket or two to your garden bed to boost productivity and bulk up your soil levels.


We will be hooking up hoses and activating the watering system once we’re past the last frost date, which is typically in late March or early April. Meantime, the rain will do the trick.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to register.

Here’s to sunny days in March.


Hello and welcome to our community garden!

We invite you to make the most of this unique space by treating it like your own backyard and filling your plots with delicious food and beautiful flowers. We hope you discover that rare magic of living in a big city and growing your own vegetables, but most of all, we want this project to be a source of relaxation and fun!

Here is a brief FAQ to read through before getting started:

1) How do I participate? Just follow this link and signup online!

2) Who can participate the garden? Anyone! We aim to create an accessible, welcoming space for all community members to participate.

3) What does it mean to 'join' the West 10th Community Garden? Each new gardener can sign up to use 1-3 garden bed(s) to grow food and flowers. Each bed is 4' x 3.3', offering 13 sq. ft. of growing space/bed. The cost of using each garden bed is $15/year/bed. This includes: access to great soil in a raised bed, water access (garden hoses) and monthly emails and updates. Please let us know if the annual Garden Fees are restrictive; we aim to create an accessible growing space for all community members.

4) How long will the garden last? In short: one growing season at a time. We take each year growing season by growing season, and we'll be sure to let any gardeners know about future plans for the property.

Any more questions, please contact: garden@communitygardenbuilders.com


What does ‘temporary’ mean?

We have a land-use agreement with the landowner to make use of the site on an interim, temporary timeline. We can’t guarantee the future of the garden beyond this date, but we can guarantee that we’ll do everything possible to keep the garden in place for years to come. We take things growing season-by growing season. The projects are temporary and the gardens will be removed/relocated.

Where can I read the Garden Rules & Gardener Agreement?

Both the Garden Rules and Gardener Agreement can be read and downloaded here.

When is the deadline for paying my garden fees?

We ask for $15/bed for the growing season. Your garden fee is due ASAP. Technically, the annual garden fees cover Jan 1 to Dec 31.

How does it work with water?

You will find a simple On/Off switch on the cedar garden shed in the middle of the site. Simply turn the switch to ‘On’ and the hose will pressurize with water. When you’re finished watering, make sure to turn the switch to ‘Off.’ Note that we turn the water off for the winter months.

Are there tools in the garden shed?

Yes. We have some basic tools for public use in the cedar garden shed. The shed combo is: 000.

What about green waste?

Any plant waste you generate (like clippings, roots, or weeds) can be placed in the Green Waste box. Please keep household compost and/or garbage out of the box, as well as big, heavy clumps of soil. We will remove the green waste every few weeks.

What are these plants doing in my beds?

There are likely to be leftover plants in your bed from the previous gardener. You can either keep the plants that are in your beds or dig them out and place them in the Green Waste box.

Am I required to volunteer my time to the garden?

Not at all. Unlike many community gardens, there are no requirements for volunteering. Our biggest ask is that you tend to your garden beds regularly; too often we see beds go untended and without watering, especially during the summer months. Growing space in Vancouver is a rare gift, and we hope you value it just as much as we do. (And if you discover gardening isn’t for you, no worries! Just let us know so that we can allocate your beds to a gardener on our wait list.)

Can I drive right into the garden?

No. If you’re required to drive to the garden, we ask that you park on a nearby street. Thanks for your understanding!

Who do I get in touch with if I see something out of place at the garden?

Any and all concerns about the site or your experience on the site should be sent our way: garden@communitygardenbuilders.com. For garden emergencies, please make use of our phone number: 778-381-8337. And be sure to look out for our monthly Garden Newsletter in your inbox. These little ditties are our way of communicating important garden information and updates, as well as growing advice and seasonal recipes. Let me know if you’re not receiving them!

February at West 10th Garden

Hello fellow gardeners,

Looks like spring is in the air––er, almost?

With the tapering of cold weather and arrival of yet more rain, the garden is looking greener than ever, inviting us to put on our gardening caps and turn our thoughts to the upcoming growing season.


Look out for an email in the coming weeks with information and directions on how to register and pay for your garden beds for the 2024 growing season. Stand by!


It may be above zero most days, but we’re still a few months away from putting seeds in the ground. In the meantime, you can start thinking about what you’d like to plant once the weather warms a bit.

Keep an eye out for that registration email!

And enjoy the rain.