NEW SFU Burnaby Learning Garden

The Burnaby Learning Garden is located on the south side of TASC1. This garden space is community-centred learning, social and event space. Our members will learn how to grow, eat, and share campus-grown food while making SFU Burnaby more sustainable. Each season, plots are rented to student groups such as clubs, departmental students unions, and graduate caucuses, as well as SFU departments, labs and instructors. Currently, campus groups like the Indigenous Student Centre, Out on Campus, the SFSS Women’s Centre and SFU Tea Club have garden plots.

This garden was relocated from the original SFU Learning Garden. The original SSFU Learning Garden was a temporary garden assembled in 2014 and relocated to this new location in 2017. The garden was picked up with a forklift and moved fully assembled. No garden plots were harmed in the garden assembly! See more about the original SFU Learning Garden here!


To learn more about the SFU Burnaby Learning Garden or to get your organization on a waiting list for garden plots, please contact

After garden installation