That’s right! February is here and it’s time to register for beds. Don’t be fooled by the snow and rain, spring is on its way and we have to start panning!
The New Year at 4th & MacDonald
Let it Snow
Frost and Fall
Welcome to fall
Fall planting and end of summer harvest
What a bountiful summer season it has been! There has been bumper crops of kale, lettuce, tomatoes, radishes and many other tasty veggies pouring out of the garden. Now that September has arrived, it is a great idea to get your fall/winter garden planted to maximize your yields for this growing season and the start of the next.
August = high heat and fall/winter planning
Happy Summer Solstice
Keep your plants happy and healthy
The dry, warm weather has finally set in and it's heating up out there. Judging by what is growing in gardeners boxes, the yields are starting to ramp up and the garden salads and veggie dishes are only getting bigger and tastier. It’s a great idea to set a solid watering schedule, if you haven’t already, to keep your plants well hydrated through the month June.
Don't forget to grab some compost
Don’t forget to grab a couple buckets of compost, not only will your plants love you in the coming season, you will also increase your yields and have strong and healthy plants to harvest from. It’s always a good idea to turn your beds over with a shovel or fork and mix in your compost at the same time before you chose to plant out your beds.
Compost & Water & Sunshine: all on their way to 4th & Mac!
This spring we'll be supplying organic compost to boost your garden beds with nutrients for the growing season. Expect a big pile of dark, fragrant earth to arrive in the garden some time THIS WEEK! Make use of the shovel and buckets in the tool shed to add a thin layer to your bed(s) before planting your first seeds.
Save the Date: April 6th is our Meet-and-Greet Event!
2019 Garden Registration now open for 4th & Mac
New Year, New Growing Season at the 4th & Mac Garden
Hoe Hoe Hoe: Christmas at the 4th & Mac Garden
Beds to Rest at 4th & Mac
Make the Most of October With Fall Crops
Most of us are starting to see a major slow-down in vegetable production, which is to be expected. If you are finished with your bed for the season, please take the time to clear out any dead plant matter and put it in the cedar compost box. We've added a second box to accommodate lots of green waste.
Cooling Off at 4th & Mac
It's that time of the year again––cool mornings, a break from the smoke, orange tints in the tree leaves. Lucky for us, fall is also a time of bounty and ripeness. Tomatoes, squash and corn are coming into their full colour and sweetness, and the soil is still warm enough to germinate those same cold-hardy seeds you first planted way back in the spring.